Christians, Inc. Community
Christians, Inc. is here for our community and our team members during any emergency, large or small.
How can we best serve you?
Supporting Locally – Our Elodie Heart Warriors
The Journey
August, 2021 – Christians, Inc. team member and co-owner, Chris Johnson, has recently announced the news of welcoming their first grandchild, Elodie Baker (rhymes with Melody), into the Christians family. Only 7 weeks old, tragic news struck the family as it was recently discovered Elodie will need a heart transplant. Please keep the family in your prayers during this miracle journey for this little girl. The full story can be found at Elodie’s Caring Bridge website at:

Our Biggest Heart Miracle
July, 2022 – Over a year has passed since this journey with our little heart warrior, Elodie, began and we are so grateful for our families, communities, local businesses, our dedicated and loving doctors, nurses and medical staff, national news coverage, and our beloved donor family who has gifted us the precious gift of a new heart for our miracle baby, Elodie.

Our journey has had its major ups and major downs and we couldn’t have done it without all of you.
We are so blessed and thank God for this little angel, for guiding us to the right people and circumstances, and for allowing His grace to touch the hearts of so many while our little girl was healing and striving for life. We thank you all for your prayers, love, donations, calls, texts, for reaching out with encouragement and for just being there for our entire community. We are so overjoyed and showered with love.
This beautiful baby has reached her milestone of receiving her donor heart after waiting 218 days. Good Morning America shares her story nationally and writes, “Elodie Carmen Baker received a heart transplant at The Heart Center at Lurie Children’s Hospital on March 27. Elodie was about 7 weeks old when she was diagnosed with a rare heart condition in August 2021 called dilated cardiomyopathy. She had been on the wait list for a new heart for over 200 days.” You can view this article and continue reading by clicking this link. Or watch her video below.
Elodie’s loving parents, Collin and Kate Baker, daughter to our Christians, Inc. co-owner Chris Johnson, have also been asked to share their story about organ donation with Fox 9 News,
“In October, her parents told us they hoped that by sharing her story, they would inspire people to cheer Elodie on and realize transplants are a gift of life.
“The number one thing that we hope comes from this is for people to register as donors,” Kate Baker said. “One person has the capacity to save eight lives and that’s a lot. It would help so many people and that would mean a lot to us and to Elodie.”
You can continue reading this article from Fox 9 News here.
And also read our local Home Town Source Lake Pioneer article

Celebrating Her First Birthday
Elodie celebrated her one year birthday and she is our “Sweet One”. Here are some photos of her crawling, standing, climbing, laughing, and just so loving. We love our sweet girl and we look forward to all of her milestones yet to come.

Please keep Elodie and the family in your prayers as they soar through this next chapter of their lives.

Dear Lord,
First and foremost, I pray for a miracle.
I pray you heal Elodie’s innocent heart
and give her the beautiful life
you always intended for her!
I pray Elodie always feel you
surrounding her; feel you holding her
so she may never feel alone or scared,
but only feel loved, safe, and secure
I pray you guide Elodie’s parents
and family through
these dark waters to find
bits of light along the way
until your miracle shines through.

Community Involvement
Communities differ in a variety of ways and can produce many diverse benefits to the homeowners in the area. That’s why Christians, Inc. believes in supporting events taking place locally as a way to continue these opportunities.
We serve the local community through one-time and reoccurring events by volunteering time and physical assistance, helping with marketing and sharing the events’ program information, offering financial scholarships, contributing funds for specific event needs, supporting learning opportunities, and much more.
Please contact us to allow us to contribute and serve our community by filling out the form below.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Suggestions for Future Events
If there are organizations or events that are within our local community that provide value to you and your family, please consider sharing them with us to see if we can assist with their missions, too.
Use the contact form drop-down menu below to send us suggestions for community involvement opportunities.